Candidate Profile

Earth Sciences, Geology & Geography
History - General
History - Maritime
Science - General
Travel & Destinations
World Affairs
Professor Mazour was a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) team that won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2005. In his 20 years with the IAEA in Vienna, Austria he worked in 36 countries on every continent but Antarctica, and collaborated with colleagues from over 90 different countries. He uses these experiences to provide lectures on the intersection of culture, history, and science for his assigned cruise itineraries.

Mazour started his career as a US Navy submarine officer. This led to the next phase, assessing the safety of nuclear power plants and other high-hazard facilities. When the Soviet Union collapsed he was a key member of joint US-Russian, and US-Ukrainian working groups established to improve the performance of nuclear power plants. This experience led to his career at the IAEA. In this role, he led workshops and provided lectures in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Americas, and the Middle East. Participants in these events included: government, industry, education, and local community stakeholders for energy infrastructure projects.

After retirement from the IAEA, Professor Mazour joined the faculty of an online university whose mission is to help students to earn credits for their work experience and training toward relevant degrees. He teaches online courses in leadership, communication and nuclear engineering. His classroom is anywhere he is, including cruise ships. Mazour has a BS degree from the US Naval Academy, and advanced degrees in nuclear engineering, business administration, and industrial engineering.

The following are examples of Professor Mazour's presentations. First, topical presentations that can be relevant to just about any itinerary, followed by those that are most relevant for a particular region:

TOPICAL (can be tailored for a particular itinerary)

Explaining why, for hundreds of years, ships at sea didn’t know where they were.
Until the late 1700’s ships that ventured beyond sight of land were plagued by the reality that they couldn’t determine their longitude. This lecture explains the story of how this problem was solved.

Describing what it would be like to make this voyage underwater.
This lecture will provide insights into life on today’s nuclear submarines, who routinely spend months at a time submerged. What is the technology that makes this possible? How different is the routine on a submarine from our own on this cruise? Come to this lecture and find out.

Our increasingly plastic oceans: a global concern
The world’s oceans were once considered so vast that little concern was given to dumping wastes in them. However, that is no longer the case. Cruise lines have been leaders in reducing and even eliminating discharges at sea. What is the extent of plastic waste in our oceans? What are prospects for the future? What can we do about it?

Assessing if the Northwest Passage may soon be a reality
The climate is changing most rapidly near the Poles. What would be the implications of a reliable Northwest Passage for global shipping? For tourism?

Climate Change: Comparing the most recent ice age to the present.
What did Earth look like during this ice age? Wetter or drier? Higher or lower ocean levels? How thick was the ice? Where was it? What caused this ice age to end? It is only during the last 70 years that these questions were answered, sometimes in ways that surprised the experts.

Pirates: Barbary Pirates: Scourges of the Mediterranean.
There is a long history of pirates preying on ships and coastal towns, stealing goods and capturing seamen and others to sell into slavery. The practice was suppressed when navies grew strong enough to stifle pirates. That was the case until Somalian pirates were emboldened in the 1990’s

Autonomous Vehicles: are you ready to have your car drive you?
How close are we to having autonomous vehicles on our roads? Closer than you may think. What are the main hurdles to overcome? (legal and societal aspects may be more difficult hurdles than technical aspects)? What benefits can we expect?

Captain James Cook: self-made hero.
From a farmer’s son, and common seaman to perhaps the greatest British maritime explorer ever. His three multi-year Pacific voyages were the apex of his career. They ended tragically.

Is Living Abroad Right for You?
Did you ever visit somewhere and think: I could live here? Tom has lived abroad for over 15 years. He will share his perspectives on the advantages and challenges of life abroad.


The Ring of Fire: More than just a Johnny Cash song.
The boundaries of the Pacific Ocean are home to over 75% of the world’s earthquakes and volcanoes. It is particularly the volcanoes that have led to this region being called the Pacific Ring of Fire. This lecture will explore how it took most of the 20th century for scientists to develop an understanding of the plate tectonics that explain the Ring of Fire. This is a story not only about the science but also of the professional differences that enliven the tale. Hawaii will have a leading role in this story.

US-Australia Friendship: What are its origins?
Australia and the U.S. are two of the oldest democracies in the world. They fought alongside one another, particular in WW2 in the South Pacific. This and other interactions did much to solidify their friendship.

Why are New Zealand and Australia so different?
The similarities (some) and differences (many) between the topography, flora and fauna of these two neighboring countries is remarkable. Why are earthquakes much more frequent in New Zealand than Australia? Why is Australia home to so many more venomous/dangerous animals than New Zealand?

The costliest natural disaster in recorded history.
The 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, a resultant tsunami, and the Fukushima nuclear accident, all contributed to these costs; both financial and human losses. The effects of this natural disaster are still being felt.

Singapore: the City, the Country.
Sir Thomas Raffles saw Singapore’s potential due to its location. The British made the investment needed for Singapore to develop as a trading center. Singapore’s path to independence from the British was a rocky one, and its potential for economic success was far from obvious. How did it achieve

Indonesia and Australia: neighbours that couldn’t be more different.
They differ dramatically by almost any measure; topography, trading partners, culture, population, languages, ethnicity or religion. What ties them together: natural resources, common oceans, others?

Why did Captain Cook keep coming back to French Polynesia?
Over a 10-year period in the 1770’s, Captain James Cook made three epic, multi-year voyages in the Pacific, greatly expanding European knowledge of this region. There were only two destinations that he included in all three of his voyages; what is now French Polynesia and New Zealand. We will explore why he kept returning to these locations, and what he gained from his visits. He was on his way back to Tahiti when he made his final stop in Hawaii.


Remembering the Habsburg’s dominance of Europe.
At its peak the Austrian Empire reached to the Mediterranean and the Adriatic, as well as most of central and eastern Europe. Additionally, through marriage the Habsburg’s controlled Spain, Holland and their colonies. This family’s tale is one of intrigue and unlikely successes, that ultimately, ended in disappointments.

The Mediterranean: The Sea at the Center of the World
Explore the long history of the Mediterranean from its earliest civilizations to the post-WW2 partitioning of European, Middle Eastern, and African lands surrounding the Mediterranean.

British-Irish relationships: Viewed from Across the Pond
Review the history of British-Irish relationships and their impacts on US culture and history.

Why the Industrial Revolution began in England
Learn how the Industrial Revolution changed England and why it all began there.

Iceland: the only visible evidence of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Iceland is the only place above water where one can view the over 20,000 kilometer-long Mid-Atlantic Ridge. It is only during the past 70 years that the Mid-Atlantic Ridge was discovered and its role in plate tectonics theory accepted. This lecture will tell the fascinating story of how we came to understand how Iceland (as well as the rest of the world) has evolved. The main characters in this story are at least as interesting as the science.

Norway and Iceland: inside or outside the European Union? The answer is “yes”.
Norway and Iceland both have the same agreement with the EU that gives them some, but not all, of the privileges and obligations of EU Members. Come to this lecture and learn why this relationship seems to be working for them and what it means for us on this cruise.

Vienna: Why it Should be on Your Bucket List.
For centuries Vienna was the capital of a major European empire. It was also a European magnet for music, science, medicine and art. There are good reasons that it is continually at the top of rankings for the most liveable cities on the globe. Let’s look beyond the glitter and glamour to explain its continued successes.

The impacts on Norway and Scotland when North Sea oil stops flowing.
The economies of Norway and Scotland have benefitted greatly from their North Sea oil. With diminishment of these oil and gas flows on the horizon, how are they preparing for the future?

Iceland: a leader in the transition to renewable energy.
Iceland is a global leader in utilization of geothermal energy, first for space and water heating, but more recently for electricity generation as well. We will explore how they have done it, and the implications for its economy of having economical and environmentally friendly energy sources. How is Iceland planning to build on its success?


The Graveyard of the Atlantic and the Bermuda Triangle: Legends and Reality.
One has earned its name due to the hundreds of ships that have been victims of the weather and other factors there, while the other has often been over-hyped. This lecture will attempt to sort fact from fiction.

The North American and European continents: once literally joined at the hip.
It took most of the 20th century for enough evidence to be collected to convince geologists that plate tectonics was the mechanism that caused the 200+ million-year transformation of Earth from Pangea (one land mass) to the present. We will explore this intriguing story from both a human and technical perspective, using the Atlantic coast of North America and Europe as examples.

Canada: maintaining its culture and identity.
Given its proximity to its “big brother” to the south, Canada has a challenge to maintain its identity and culture. How does it do it?

The Caribbean: How did it come to be what it is today?
The geological development of the Caribbean has impacted locations as far away as Europe. Its earliest settlers were overwhelmed by European colonists. Then wars between the principal European powers of the time overflowed into the Caribbean. The impact of African slaves brought to work Caribbean sugar plantations continue to be felt today.

Captain Cook: How he contributed to the British winning the French and Indian War
Captain James Cook is one of the very few in British naval history who rose from being a farm boy to a common seaman to Captain and finally to global fame. Early in his naval career his incredible skills in chart making were essential to the British victory at Quebec City that led to Canada being British.

The “ABC” Islands: why in this case even getting a “C” is great!
Aruba, Bonaire, and Curacao have been nicknamed the ABC Islands. They continue to share common links and heritage with the Netherlands. This lecture will address the history, culture, languages, population, and geography of the ABC Islands, and why they are great destinations.

Explaining Puerto Rico’s rich and interesting history.
San Juan was a prize Caribbean possession for all European colonists, why was that? How did it end up being a US possession? This lecture will consider the history, culture, languages, population, and geography of Puerto Rico.

Cartagena: A gem today with an interesting and important history
We will explore why Cartagena is a UNESCO World Heritage City, and a great place to explore. From the earliest days of Spanish colonialism in the Caribbean until its independence in the early 19th century, Cartagena was one of Spain’s most important possessions. This lecture will explain why this is the case through considering the history, culture, languages, and geography of Cartagena.


Atoms for Peace: The role of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
The IAEA’s genesis was U.S. President Eisenhower’s “Atoms for Peace” address to the United Nations in 1953, in response to the deep fears and expectations generated by the discoveries and diverse uses of nuclear technology. Come and listen to a former IAEA staff member explain how the IAEA carries out its dual mission to both prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons and promote peaceful uses of nuclear energy.

Describing what it would be like to make this the voyage underwater.
The lecturer is a former US submarine officer who has completed numerous voyages underwater. This lecture will provide insights into life on today’s nuclear submarines, who routinely spend months at a time submerged. What is the technology that makes this possible? How different is the routine on a submarine from our own on this cruise? Come to this lecture and learn about these topics from a former nuclear submarine officer who has traveled underwater on our route for this cruise.

The Manhattan Project: Not About Tall Buildings in NYC. Explore the coordinated and secretive efforts of thousands of scientists, engineers and construction workers, to create the first nuclear bombs. This lecture is more about the people who led this project than the technology.

Radiation is all around us: should we be concerned?
Naturally occurring sources of radiation are all around us, and have been since the universe was created, however, that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be of concern. This lecture will provide a layman’s explanation of how ionizing radiation is created and how it affects us. This will be compared to the ways in which radiation has been used to benefit our lives; in medical, biological, industrial, environmental, and a host of other areas. The environmental impacts of nuclear power compared to other sources of electricity production will also be presented.

Nuclear power: is it safe?
Just about everyone has heard of the Fukushima, Chernobyl, and TMI nuclear power plant accidents; how did they happen? What have been their consequences compared to those of other industrial accidents? What are the safety and environmental risks of nuclear power compared to other sources of electricity production?

The 2011 Fukushima Nuclear Accident: How Did It Happen? What Were the Consequences?
Lectures on Recent Cruises

May-June 2023: Viking Venus, British Explorer: British-Irish Relationships, Why the First Industrial Revolution began in England; Captain James Cook -an Introduction to His Incredible Life; Differing UK and Norwegian Approaches to Their North Sea Oil

March 2023: Viking Venus, In Search of the Northern Lights: NATO: Its History and Current Roles; Planning for when North Sea oil stops flowing; Why Norway isn’t an EU Member; Norway: an unlikely leader in transitioning to autonomous vehicles; Norwegian Wildlife; The Sami in Norway

November 2022: Viking Jupiter, Southern Atlantic Crossing: The Habsburg Family—An Incredible Dynasty; Barbary Pirates - Scourges of the Mediterranean; European, African and American Continents - Once Joined at the Hip; The Perplexing Puzzle of Navigation at Sea; Making This Voyage Underwater; Atoms for Peace - the Role of the International Atomic Energy Agency

October-November 2022: Viking Orion, Honolulu to Singapore: The Origins of Australian-US Friendships; Why Are Australia and NZ So Different? How Captain Cook Narrowly Avoided Disaster on the Great Barrier Reef; Australia and Indonesia - Neighbors That Could Not Be More Different,; What Makes Bali Different Than Other Parts of Indonesia?;The Manhattan Project - not About Tall Buildings in NYC; Atoms for Peace - the Role of the International Atomic Energy Agency; the 2011 Fukushima Nuclear Accident; Singapore: An Unlikely Leader in the Development of Autonomous Vehicles; Pirates - a Global Menace Since Ships Have Gone to Sea; Making This Voyage Underwater

August 2021: Viking Orion, Bermuda Adventure: The Bermuda Triangle: Graveyard of the Atlantic; Explaining Bermuda’s Connection with Submarines; How the Royal Society of London helped ships at sea find their way to Bermuda; Exploring how Bermuda was created; Atoms for Peace: The Role of the International Atomic Energy Agency

February 2020: Viking Star, In Search of the Northern Lights: Planning for when North Sea oil stops flowing; Why Norway isn’t an EU Member; Norway: an unlikely leader in transitioning to autonomous vehicles; Stavanger: - Norway’s Oil City; The Northwest Passage - more than a Pipe Dream?

Dec 2019 - Jan 2020: Silversea, Silver Whisper, Fort Lauderdale to Central America R/T: Explaining San Juan’s rich and interesting history; The unique history of the US Virgin Islands; St. Lucia - hotly contested prize between the French and English;the “ABC” Islands: why in this case getting a “C” is great; Cartagena: A great destination from which to welcome the 2020s; Roatan and Central America: links between the north and south, literally; Belize: Why is English its only official language?; Why is Montezuma’s headdress in Vienna?; Submarine watching on our voyage

Nov 2019: NCL Gem, Boston to Eastern Caribbean R/T: European Colonization of the Caribbean; Submarine Watching on this cruise; Cape Hatteras and the Bermuda Triangle; The role of Boston in the American Revolution

Sept-Oct 2019: Celebrity Solstice, Honolulu to Sydney: Captain Cook: An introduction to his three incredible Pacific Voyages; Captain Cook’s first voyage-his mission to Tahiti; The Ring of Fire - More than just a Johnny Cash song; Garbage Dumps in the Pacific; The history and culture of French Polynesia; Captain Cook – His second and third Pacific Voyages; What this voyage would be like if we did it underwater; New Zealand’s history and culture; Focusing on Auckland and the Bay of Islands; Why NZ and Australia are so Different; Captain Cook’s “Discovery” of Australia;

Feb-Mar 2019: NCL Jewel, Sydney to Singapore: Sydney, New Castle and Brisbane-their Connections with the US; Airlie Beach and Cairns; The bombings of Darwin and Pearl Harbor; Darwin - a Strategic WW II Allied Military; An Introduction to Indonesian History and Culture; Singapore: How it achieved its Success

Cruise History/Experience (including naval, coast guard, and maritime cruises):

July 2023, Celebrity Edge, Barcelona to Rome
September 2022, Azamara, Istanbul to Athens
July 2022: Royal Princess, British isles
Feb 2000: Monarch of the Seas, Miami to Southern Caribbean
Jul 2019, Celebrity Infinity, Rome to Venice
Oct 2018: Celebrity Millennium, Tokyo/Yokohama R/T around Japan
Sept 2018: Celebrity Millennium, Vancouver to Tokyo/Yokohama
Jan 2018: Ruby Princess, Los Angeles R/T to Mexican Riviera
Aug 2017: Celebrity Millennium, Seward to Vancouver
Apr 2017: Crown Princess, Miami to Southampton
Jan 2017: Celebrity Reflections, Fort Lauderdale to Eastern Caribbean
Aug 2016: Serenade of the Seas, Copenhagen to Boston
Feb 2016: Celebrity Solstice, Auckland to Perth
Dec 2015: Queen Mary II, Southampton to NYC
Oct 2015: Celebrity Infinity, Miami to Western Caribbean
Aug 2015: Norled, Flam to Bergen (Norway)
Oct 2014: Celebrity Reflections, Rome to Fort Lauderdale
July 2014: Celebrity Eclipse, Southampton to Baltic Sea (including St Petersburg) and return
Jan 2013: Splendor of the Seas, Tampa-Key West-Cozumel-Tampa
April 2013: Zenith, Athens to Istanbul to Athens
Feb 2010: Xunlong, Hong Kong to Shenzhen (China)Sept 2002: Johanna, Vienna to Passau
Oct 2009: MS RheinEnergie, St Goarshausen to Koblenz (Rhine/Germany)
Sept 2008:MS Kaiserin Elisabeth, Vienna to Bratislava, Slovakia
May 2007: Seaworld Express, Busan to Jeju Island (South Korea)
Sept 2006: (name unknown), Three Gorges (China)
April 2006: DDSG Blue Danube, Vienna to the Wachau (Austria)
May 2005: DDSG Blue Danube, Vienna to Budapest, Hungary
Jan 1999: Noordam, Fort Lauderdale to Eastern Caribbean
Mar 1996: Carnival, San Juan to Southern Caribbean
April 1993: MS Rachmaninoff, Volga River (Balakova, Russia)
Mar-May 1983: M/V Abshire Tide, San Juan, PR to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (US Coast Guard research exercise coordinator)
Apr-May 1979: US Coast Guard Cutter Cape George (WPB 95306), Block Island Sound, USA (exercise coordinator)
Feb 1977: USS Groton (SSN 694), New London, CT, USA, exercise coordinator for local submarine operations
Nov 1976: Windjammer, St Marten R/T to eastern Caribbean
Dec 1975: USS Scamp (SSN 588) Pearl Harbor, Hawaii to San Diego, CA (as submarine officer)
Nov 1975: USS Scamp (SSN 588) Pearl Harbor, Hawaii )
July 1974: USS Scamp (SSN 588) San Diego, CA, to Pearl Harbor, Hawaii (
Feb-June 1974: USS Scamp (SSN 588) San Diego, CA, USA
Jan-March 1973: USS Sam Rayburn (SSBN635), Holyloch, Scotland and return (as submarine officer)
July-October 1972: USS Sam Rayburn (SSBN635), Holyloch, Scotland and return (as submarine officer)
Feb-April 1972: USS Sam Rayburn (SSBN635), Portsmouth, NH, USA to Holyloch, Scotland
July 1969: Her Majesty's Canadian Ship (HMCS) Chaleur, Halifax to Quebec, Canada (US Naval Academy 1st Class Foreign Exchange Cruise with Canadian Navy)
July 1969: HMCS Chaleur, Halifax to NYC, USA
August 1969: HMCS Chaleur, Halifax to Bermuda
August 1968: USS Dace (SSN 607), New London, CT, USA, local submarine operations (US Naval Academy 2nd class summer)
June-August 1967: USS Randolph (CV-15), Norfolk, VA, USA, Atlantic Ocean operations (US Naval Academy 3rd class summer cruise)

The following recent Cruise History has been recorded for this candidate.
Viking Jupiter JU240317 Southern Atlantic Crossing 21 Buenos Aires Sunday, March 17, 2024
Crystal Serenity CSE-016-240221 World Cruise Sector 16 Papeete, Tahiti Wednesday, February 21, 2024
Borealis S240102
Sector 2
World Cruise Sector 15 Acapulco Sunday, January 28, 2024
Viking Neptune NE231028 Empires of the Mediterranean 9 Venice Saturday, October 28, 2023
Viking Neptune NE231021 Venice, the Adriatic and Greece 7 Piraeus (Athens) Saturday, October 21, 2023
Crystal Serenity CSE-008-230919 North America & Canada 8 Quebec City Tuesday, September 19, 2023
Crystal Serenity CSE-011-230908 Baltic & Northern Europe 11 Reykjavik Friday, September 8, 2023
Viking Venus VE230610 British Isles Explorer 14 Bergen Saturday, June 10, 2023
Viking Venus VE230527 British Isles Explorer 14 Greenwich, London Saturday, May 27, 2023
Viking Venus VE230513 British Isles Explorer 14 Bergen Saturday, May 13, 2023
Viking Venus VE230320 In Search of the Northern Lights 12 Bergen Monday, March 20, 2023
Viking Venus VE230308 In Search of the Northern Lights 12 Tilbury Wednesday, March 8, 2023
Viking Jupiter JU221110 Southern Atlantic Crossing 21 Barcelona Thursday, November 10, 2022
Viking Orion OR210903 Bermuda Escape 7 Hamilton Friday, September 3, 2021
Viking Orion OR210827 Bermuda Escape 7 Hamilton Friday, August 27, 2021
Viking Star ST200215 In Search of the Northern Lights 12 Bergen Saturday, February 15, 2020
Viking Star ST200203 In Search of the Northern Lights 12 Tilbury Monday, February 3, 2020
Silver Whisper 4932 Central America Cruise 17 Fort Lauderdale, Florida Friday, December 20, 2019