John Hennessey-Niland |
Asia | Pacific | Europe | Diplomacy | World Affairs |
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College Station, Texas USA |
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Ambassador John T. Hennessey-Niland (Ret) is a former U.S. ambassador, having served for over 35 years as a career diplomat. Focused on key issues impacting world affairs, peace and prosperity, particularly in Asia, the Indo-Pacific, and Europe. He has worked in the White House and at the National Security Council responsible for international summits, as a UN War Crimes Investigator in the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, and at a number of Embassies in Europe, notably Paris twice, Dublin, and the Hague, as well as in multiple leadership position in the Pacific, including Palau, Fiji, Australia, and Hawai’i, where he was the foreign policy advisor to the Commander of U.S. Marine Corps Forces Pacific.
He is one of the most experienced “Island hands” ever to serve in the Department of State. John is currently a Life Member of the Council on Foreign Relations, Senior Fellow at the National Defense University Joint Staff College and the Scowcroft Institute of International Affairs, and Head of the Diplomacy Concentration and Professor of Practice at the Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University. He is the recipient of numerous awards and honors. He is a former collegiate soccer player and is the coach of the A&M Men's Soccer Club. John speaks regularly aboard cruise ships and is an author, educator, media commentator, and natural storyteller. Mr. Hennessey-Niland has dual Irish-U.S. nationality.

Possible Conversation or Talk Titles for Presentations Aboard
- The “Yak” and the “Sherpa” - International Summitry
- Winning Hearts and Minds
- Sport and Diplomacy – Soft Power
- The “All Powerful” U.S. National Security Council
- “Charm School” – the making of an Ambassador
- What the heck is “FOIP” – a Free and Open Indo-Pacific?
- Partner of Choice – U.S. Policy in the Pacific
- Climate and the Oceans – Not just a science question but an existential issue
- War and Justice – International Tribunals and bringing peace to areas of conflict
- Ancient Lands and Modern Economies
- Infrastructure – What does that have to do with foreign affairs?
- Suits and Boots – Civilian-Military relations as seen by a diplomat in body armor
Note thanks to 35-year career as a diplomat in Asia, the Indo-Pacific, and Europe, have lived in or visited a significant number of cruise ship destinations and can provide insightful and expert destination presentations.
Brief description of selected talk titles listed above:
1. The “Yak” and the “Sherpa” – International Summitry:
Enjoy a conversation about what goes on behind the scenes to prepare the President for global summits and how the White House and its international partners have a process for preparing leaders for these key engagements. Hear from Ambassador John T. Hennessey-Niland who served at the White and was responsible for preparing a number of international summits and learn more about “Yaks’ and “Sherpas” and getting our leaders to these ‘Summits.’
2. “Winning Hearts and Minds”:
Learn more about the history of the expression “winning hearts and minds” and its real-world application in this conversation with Ambassador John T. Hennessey-Niland. Come and discuss examples of policies and campaigns designed to win over a population. As one U.S. President put it, “ultimate victory – in any contest - will depend upon the hearts and the minds of the people who actually are there.” Enjoy this tour d’horizon of contemporary examples of what has worked and what hasn’t in terms of swaying opinion and gaining support in the midst of conflict.
3. “Sports Diplomacy – Soft Power”:
Football in Ireland, but not what you may think, sport of any type can be a form of “soft power” and that includes American football in the heart of Dublin and the annual flag football game organized by the U.S. Ambassador. Sport needs no translation and is universal. Governments around the globe understand and utilize the power of sport. From Olympic truces to ping-pong diplomacy to soccer wars, learn about the “duality” of sport and how it can be both unifying as well as divisive. No sports knowledge required!
4. The “All Powerful” U.S. National Security Council?
A lot has been written about the U.S. National Security Council and its role in coordinating – some say controlling – American foreign policy. Ambassador John T. Hennessey-Niland served at the NSC as a Director. In this conversation, get an insider’s firsthand account of how it all really works regarding U.S. policy in the international arena - from someone who was there and can pull the curtain back (a bit) on the NSC and its “all powerful” role around the globed.
5. "Suits and Boots" - Civilian-Military relations as seen by a diplomat in body armor:
Learn about expeditionary diplomacy and how diplomats are on the front lines along with the military in helping to bring peace to the world. Today's diplomats can still be found at cocktail parties and fancy receptions, but they are just as likely to be in fatigues with a helmet and armor on in some of the most dangerous places on earth. Hear about it all firsthand from Ambassador John Hennessey-Niland who has done both in 35 years as a career diplomat.

Recently retired Ambassador with extensive experience in Asia, Pacific, and Europe. Occasional enrichment speaker aboard Princess and Seaborne cruises seeking additional opportunities. A natural and engaging story teller happy to enrich the travel and destination experience for guests. Thank you.